
Home / News / Industry News / How cost-effective is the use of PSA nitrogen generators for preserving snacks and cakes compared to traditional preservation methods?

How cost-effective is the use of PSA nitrogen generators for preserving snacks and cakes compared to traditional preservation methods?

Limitations of traditional preservation methods
For a long time, chemical preservatives have been widely used in food preservation because of their low cost and significant effect. However, as consumers' health awareness increases, the safety issues of chemical preservatives have become increasingly prominent. Long-term intake of foods containing chemical preservatives may pose a potential threat to human health, forcing food companies to find safer ways to preserve food. On the other hand, although vacuum packaging can effectively isolate oxygen and extend the shelf life of food, its operation is complicated, the cost is high, and the requirements for packaging materials are also relatively stringent, which limits its application in certain food fields.

The rise of PSA nitrogen generators
It is in this context that PSA nitrogen generators have emerged in the field of snack and cake preservation with their high efficiency, safety and economy. PSA (Pressure Swing Adsorption) technology is an advanced process that separates high-purity nitrogen from the air through the principle of physical adsorption. This technology does not require a lot of energy to produce nitrogen and is pollution-free to the environment, which is in line with the concept of modern green development.

In the process of preserving snacks and cakes, the PSA nitrogen generator can accurately control the amount of nitrogen charged, quickly replace the air in the package, and create a nearly oxygen-free environment. This environment effectively isolates oxygen from food, thereby slowing down chemical reactions that are not conducive to product quality, such as oil oxidation and vitamin loss, and maintaining the crisp taste and original flavor of snacks and cakes. At the same time, the antibacterial effect of nitrogen further enhances the product's antiseptic ability and extends the shelf life.

Cost-effectiveness analysis
From a cost-effectiveness perspective, the PSA nitrogen generator has shown significant advantages in preserving snacks and cakes. First, in terms of initial investment, although the purchase cost of the PSA nitrogen generator may be slightly higher than that of traditional chemical preservatives or vacuum packaging equipment, its long-term operating cost is relatively low. Since nitrogen is one of the main components of air, it is widely available and inexpensive, so the cost of using a PSA nitrogen generator to produce nitrogen is much lower than purchasing bottled nitrogen or liquid nitrogen.

Secondly, in terms of preservation effect, the oxygen-free environment provided by the PSA nitrogen generator can more effectively extend the shelf life of snacks and cakes, and reduce returns and waste caused by product deterioration. This not only reduces the company's operating costs and market risks, but also enhances the market competitiveness of products. In addition, since nitrogen preservation does not add any chemical preservatives, it is more in line with the demand of modern consumers for healthy food, which helps to enhance brand image and consumer loyalty.

Finally, in terms of environmental protection and social responsibility, the PSA nitrogen generator also shows its unique value. Compared with the health risks and environmental pollution problems that chemical preservatives may bring, nitrogen preservation is safer and more environmentally friendly. At the same time, by reducing food waste and return rates, the PSA nitrogen generator also indirectly promotes resource conservation and recycling, which is in line with the concept of sustainable development.