
Home / News / Industry News / What is the working principle of the non-contact flow sensor in the filling equipment of the gas nitrogen filling machine?

What is the working principle of the non-contact flow sensor in the filling equipment of the gas nitrogen filling machine?

Previous flow measurement technologies often rely on sensors that are in direct contact with the fluid, which not only increases the complexity of gas nitrogen filling machine maintenance, but also may damage the sensor due to the corrosiveness, high temperature and high pressure of the fluid medium. However, the non-contact flow sensor completely breaks this limitation. It achieves accurate measurement of fluid flow without direct contact with the fluid, providing reliable guarantee for the stable operation of the gas nitrogen filling machine.

Working Principle Revealed
The application of non-contact flow sensors in gas nitrogen filling machines is mainly based on advanced thermal, ultrasonic or electromagnetic induction principles. Taking the thermal sensor as an example, a heating element and a temperature sensing element are integrated inside. When nitrogen flows through the sensor, the heat generated by the heating element will exchange heat with nitrogen through heat conduction and convection. Due to the different flow rates of nitrogen, the heat taken away will also be different, resulting in changes in the temperature detected by the temperature sensing element. By accurately measuring this temperature change and combining it with a specific algorithm calculation, the non-contact flow sensor can accurately calculate the flow rate of nitrogen.

Ultrasonic sensors use the relationship between the propagation speed of ultrasound in the fluid and the flow rate of the fluid to achieve measurement. The sensor emits ultrasonic pulses. When the ultrasonic wave encounters the flowing nitrogen, its propagation speed will change due to the influence of the fluid flow rate. By measuring the time difference between the ultrasonic wave propagating downstream and upstream in the fluid, the ultrasonic sensor can calculate the flow rate of nitrogen and further derive the flow rate.

The electromagnetic induction sensor uses the Faraday electromagnetic induction principle. When nitrogen flows through the electromagnetic coil in the sensor, the movement of the fluid will generate eddy currents, and the change of the eddy current will change the magnetic field induction intensity in the electromagnetic coil. By measuring the change of this induction intensity, the electromagnetic induction sensor can also achieve accurate measurement of nitrogen flow.

Significant innovation advantages
The application of non-contact flow sensors in gas nitrogen filling machines brings many significant advantages. First, since there is no direct contact with the fluid, the sensor avoids damage caused by factors such as fluid corrosion, high temperature and high pressure, and improves the reliability and service life of the equipment. Secondly, the non-contact measurement method reduces the resistance of the fluid to the sensor, reduces energy consumption and noise, and improves the overall performance of the equipment. In addition, the non-contact flow sensor also has the characteristics of high precision and high response speed, which can meet the strict requirements of gas nitrogen filling machines for flow measurement accuracy.